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40 €

Anna Depenbusch

Solo on the piano

Anna Depenbusch: the singing poet found her unmistakable style early on, combining influences of Edith Piaf, Hildegard Knef, and Björk. Depenbusch transforms the Festspielhaus stage into a living room, as if she were simply visiting your home. The audience gathers directly on stage around the artist – so close that they can read her lips and follow her fingers on the piano. She now has five studio and two solo albums under her belt, which she has presented on several German tours. She is loved by the critics no less than the audience: Depenbusch is the recipient of the German Chanson Prize and was awarded the Fred Jay Prize for the poetry of her texts.


The singer-songwriter in concert

Estimated end time: 9:30 PM


Anna Depenbusch Piano

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