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34 - 260 €

Berliner Philharmoniker IV

Emmanuelle Haïm; George Frideric Handel: Oratorio II trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno

At one time, orchestras played Bach like Bruckner. It was only with the advent of specialist ensembles that we learned how the meaning of score and performance markings has changed over the centuries. So much for the theory: practically speaking, we can look forward to a lusciously sensuous oratorio with Handel's Il trionfo, in an informed and delectable performance by a vocal ensemble and the Berliner Philharmoniker. The orchestra not only brings together its members from all over the world, but has long since become a stylistic polyglot as well – thanks to specialist conductors like Emmanuelle Haïm, who has has joined the Berliners in infusing the old masterworks with new life for decades.


George Frideric Handel
Oratorio II trionfo del Tempo e del Disignanno

Estimated end time: 8:45 PM


Emmanuelle Haïm Conductor
Elsa Benoit Bellezza
Julia Lezhneva Piacere
Carlo Vistoli Disinganno
Anicio Zorzi Giustiniani Tempo