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Change of Perspective

One work, two chairs

The theme of interactions always interested the musical thinker Pierre Boulez. In his work Répons, premiered in 1981, he harks back to the old musical tradition of a solo singer followed by a group response. Musical instruments are played and electronically-altered sounds respond – and vice versa. After forty-five minutes, the audience changes their seats and hears the same work from a different perspective, giving rise to a different interaction. The Ensemble intercontemporain from Paris, founded by Pierre Boulez, pays tribute to Boulez on his 100th anniversary with a performance of Répons. Like IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique), also founded on Boulez’s initiative in Paris, the ensemble continues to explore new forms of sound production.


Pierre Boulez

Break | Audience changes seats

Pierre Boulez


Ensemble Intercontemporain


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