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22 - 70 €

Expedition Mozart

Kit Armstrong & Friends

Kit Armstrong's ‘Expedition Mozart’ ensemble brings together soloists and string quartets such as the Simply Quartet, Minetti and Hermès Quartet. They are all united by friendship, creativity and curiosity. Together they set out to explore the Mozartian cosmos.


Estimated end time: 20:30


Quatuor Hermès
Minetti Quartett
Andrej Bielow Violin
Guilhaume Santana Bassoon
Erik Schumann Violin
Ken Schumann Violin
Mark Schumann Cello
Maria Ehmer Violin
Anna Knopp Violin
Milan Milojicic Viola
Leonhard Roczek Cello
Noah Bendix-Balgley Violin
Amihai Grosz Viola
Andraž Golob Clarinet
Dominik Wollenweber Oboe
Yun Zeng Horn

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