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37 - 240 €

Plácido Domingo

Zarzuela Night

Plácido Domingo continues his incomparable career with a zarzuela program. This headline alone is enough to catch our attention in the case of an eighty-three-year-old singer who has never in his life needed an amplifier (excepting, of course, the "Three Tenors" open-air concerts). With his strong bonds with the Festspielhaus, we are delighted that he is including Baden-Baden in his tour. In our city he has recorded a CD, starred in operas, and appeared as a conductor. Even after switching from tenor to baritone, he has offered thrilling performances, including in Verdi's Simone Boccanegra, and has always been cherished by audiences.


Arias and Duets from Zarzuelas

Estimated end time: 7:45 PM


Plácido Domingo Bariton
Maria Kataeva Mezzosoprano
Francesco Ivan Ciampa Conductor

Pre-Concert Talk (in German)

Um 16:40 Uhr findet auf der Ebene 3 ein Einführungsvortrag statt. Der Vortrag dauert etwa 20 Minuten und wird um 17:10 Uhr wiederholt. Gegen eine Gebühr von € 5 haben Sie beim telefonischen Kartenkauf die Möglichkeit, einen Sitzplatz im Einführungsraum zu reservieren. Nicht in Anspruch genommene Reservierungen verfallen mit Vortragsbeginn.

Speaker: Rafael Rennicke

We would like to thank

Sponsors: Wolfgang Grenke and Corina Grenke-Stingaciu

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