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40 €

Salon 1955

Poetry becomes music

Pierre Boulez set three cycles of poems by the surrealist René Char in Baden-Baden in 1955, not successively, but interlocking them with each other like a geometrical arrangement. René Char joined the Résistance. His friends included the painter Joan Miró and philosopher Albert Camus. Artists such as Henri Matisse and Georges Braque illustrated his poems. After Le Marteau sans maître, it's time for the next generation: students from regional music universities will present their compositions commissioned by the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden on the occasion of Pierre Boulez’s 100th birthday.


Pierre Boulez
Le marteau sans maître
Conductor: Friederike Scheunchen

Premieres of commissioned works by students of the Karlsruhe and Freiburg music universities
Conductor: Manuel Nawri

Estimated end time: 20:00


Ensemble Recherche


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