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39.9 - 79.9 €


Yamato – The Drummers of Japan present their new show

Sometimes it’s a soft knock, sometimes the crack of thunder or a lightning strike: "Tenmei" (Destiny) is the name of the new show by Yamato – The Drummers of Japan. The rhythm of life pulsates in the elemental force with which they beat their taiko drums made only of wood and skin, and in the force and precision with which they use their bodies. Despite all the hardships of destiny, in their new show the taiko virtuosos twirl through the air, feather-light, in leaps and bounds as they strike their drums in every imaginable way. Humor, acrobatics, and colorful costumes have always been part of the drum performances with which Yamato has already inspired eight million people in 54 countries. Yamato – The Drummers of Japan combine dance and drumming, humor and Far Eastern wisdom, traditional music and modern beats to create a true feast for the senses. Destiny smiles on everyone who can be there.


Estimated end time: 21:30
